Let me introduce myself.

Founded in West London during the year 2000.

During a podcast interview once I was asked, what makes me such a successful Life Coach and what sets me apart from the growing trend of those who are seemingly trying to follow my lead.

I responded with; I am living proof that against all odds I am a survivor and living my life in every way to its fullest .. It was not always the case... I am a firm believer that a great life coach must have been through hell and back to be of any help to others.

When I say I understand other peoples sufferings I really do!

Briefly: I was born in London, at the age of 7 migrated with my parents and 2 younger sisters to Western Australia.

From the start I was farmed out to strangers and was the victim of an abusive malignant narcissistic mother and a co dependent father. Sadly my sisters inherited my mothers negative mental issues and I have had to legally distance myself from them.

I went to 19 schools and had many encounters with the police visiting my home due to the many many fights between my parents often involving others. I was a failure at school, later in my 30s I was diagnosed with extreme dyslexia and ADHD I could see the writing on the wall at an early age and decided to leave at the age of 16, I was modelling abroad all over the Far East.

I still had unresolved issues with my mother and dropped my highly lucrative model career to nurse her through 6 years of bowel cancer, during this time I did a nursing course as well - I covered all areas of nursing which included taking care of the elderly, I look back fondly to these times of learning how to care for others. I went back to modeling after my mother passed away and even though more mature I became even more successful.

However I was still attracting many dysfunctional relationships which I can clearly see now were all due to unresolved issues I had with my mother. I have now been officially diagnosed with severe PTSD and I anxiety issues due to childhood trauma. I went through a lot before I arrived in London in 1999 I was running away from a toxic and highly abusive relationship. Having a lot of time on my hands I decided that changes needed to be made and this is when I did deep dives into making sense of everything.

I arrived in London with basically nothing and had to start from scratch. Not knowing anyone or anything I have made many mistakes, but I have learnt the hard way to become resilient and move forward every single time I have encountered negative issues.
I have always been empathetic, helpful and kind to others. So I thought after being properly diagnosed and doing years of therapy myself, I decided to become a life coach. Though pain is all relative to the individual, by comparison I have not ever encountered any of my patients/ clients having as tough life as I have.

These days: I am a well established life coach who offers you no nonsense easy to digest emotional tools and practical connections that can transform your life!

I am based in London UK and offer you solutions and support to all your emotional issues that are blocking your life progress.

I have first hand experience with modern day survival techniques, I do not believe in any therapist who has not had first hand experience with emotional issues of distress.

I also am very well connected with other tested professionals which range from Brokers, Lawyers, photographers, stylists, makeup artists, fitness instructors, plastic surgeons, the list goes is ever expanding and practical support for your life journey.

Other things about me;
* I do swear sometimes.
* I have a slight Aussie accent.
* I am not always happy.
* I can't drive and I am 41 years of age.
* I love animals and I live with 3 Burmese cats.
* I am proud of my humble beginnings and being a survivor.
* I am and have been referred to as The Dominatrix of life coaching.
* It is 99.9% assured that I do not give up on anything I start.
* I use of be very over weight and pre diabetic - not any more !

I look forward to our sessions call today to make the positive transformation with your life !

I know what it takes to be resilient and not to succumb to redundant character weaknesses that will never serve you
well - I have many techniques that will enrich your life and proven game changers in ones journey